Anuncio original del evento en este sitio web (Abril 2010)
(Plumeria alba) (also known as 'Frangipani') and 'Cachito' (Stemmadenia obovato). Colonies of parakeets nest in holes in the crater walls and various species of bats live in lava tunnels and caves.
The Park attracts around 120 000 tourists per year and is the most visited natural site in the country. Well trained park rangers guide tourists to the different parts of the Park to see the geology, flora and fauna of the National Park and to visit the very informative eco-museum.
bird watchers(Calocitta formosa), Shrub Euphonia (Euphonia affinis), Squirrel Cuckoo (Piaya cayana), Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota), Stripe-headed Sparrow (Aimophila ruficauda) and various humming birds.
The Vegetation Group(Bursera simaruba): it is hurricane-resistant, has a resin that is used for glue and for varnish, and its timber is used for light construction. The Coca bush (Erythroxylon spp.) is best known for its alkaloids, which include cocaine. Nance (Byrsonima crassifolia) is used against fever and diarrhea and is also an important food source for insects, hummingbirds and parakeets. Other plants are commonly used for hunting or fishing: Barbasco (Lonchocarpus utilis) is used to poison fish in waterways, and the branches of the Huevo de Chancho (Stemmadenia obovata) commonly used to produce bird-hunting slings. Many more examples of the importance of different plant species growing in this ecosystem were given - uses included food and shelter for people, birds, and insects, and medicinal plants and income-generators for local people.
Thirty-seven participants of the Reptile Group(Loxocemos bicolor)(Crotalus simus)(Ctenosaura similis)Mammal Group(Carollia perspicillata)(Glossophaga soricina) and as a surprise, a Hairy-legged Vampire (Diphylla ecaudata). This vampire was a new record for this National Park! The next morning a group of forty-three participants guided by Octavio and Arnulfo checked all the traps. The catch was a bit disappointing: they only caught a southern opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) and a southern cotton rat (Sigmodon hirsutus). But the group was very lucky to see some white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) in the trees just in front of them. The game guards showed them fresh tracks of a white-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Half way down the trail one of the participants almost stepped in fresh coyote dung! The coyote (Canis latrans)
Plumeria alba(Stemmadenia abovato)
(Calocitta formosa)(Euphonia affinis), Cuco Ardilla (Piaya cayana), Guardabarranco Azul (Momotus momota), Sabanero Cabecilistado (Aimophila ruficauda)(Bursera simaruba): es resistente a huracanes, tiene una resina utilizada para pegar y barnizar, y su tronco es usado en construcciones livianas. La hoja de Coca (Erythroxylon spp.)(Byrsonima crassifolia)(Lonchocarpus utilis)(Stemmadenia obovata)
Treinta y siete participantes del Grupo de Reptiles(Loxocemos bicolor)(Crotalus simus)(Ctenosaura similis)(Carollia perspicillata)(Glossophaga soricina) y como sorpresa, un Vampiro de Patas Peludas (Diphylla ecaudata)(Didelphis marsupialis) y una Rata Algodonera (Sigmodon hirsutus). Pero el grupo tuvo mucha suerte de poder ver algunos Monos Cara Blanca (Cebus capucinus)(Canis latrans)
Further information