GEO Day of Biodiversity in Mali
For the first time the GEO Day of Biological Diversity was celebrated in Africa. An excursion studied the extraordinary biological diversity of the Falaise de Bandiagara in the Dogon Country and initiated a dialogue between modern science and traditional knowledge
African premiere for the GEO Day of Biological Diversity: On 04th June some 100 scientists, politicians, environmentalists, journalists as well as Dogon healers, hunters and farmers started for an excursion to explore the biological diversity of the sandstone cliff "Falaise de Bandiagara" and of the Dogon plateau in the Republic of Mali.
Together with some 1000 members of the local population they studied the ecological quality and the biodiversity of the unique region which was declared UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage site in 1989. The event took place under the auspices of German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Wieczorek-Zeul and initiated an intensive exchange between "modern" science and traditional knowledge of local experts on medical plants, biodiversity, its conservation and sustainable use.
GEO Day of Biological Diversity in Mali was organized by GEO and GTZ
in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of Mali and the Mission
Culturelle de Bandiagara and the German Development Service (DED). It
took place in the framework of the Malian Environment Weeks (Quinzaine
de l'Environnement) from 04th to 18th June 2005. The results of the GEO
Day of Biological Diversity in Mali were presented on the occasion of
a expert round table discussion on 06th June in the Centre Culturel Français
in Bamako. Representatives from research and from the Dogon community
as well as the public discussed the status quo of Malian biodiversity
and possible future measures for its conservation.
GEO Day of Biological Diversity in Mali (PDF,
40 KB, french)
release on the GEO Day of Biological Diversity in Mali (PDF, 55 KB,
of German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Wieczorek-Zeul (PDF,
110 KB, german)
leaflet on GEO Day of Biological Diversity in Mali, (PDF,
306 KB, french)
The GEO Day of Biological Diversity in Mali was financially
supported by:
- the GTZ sector project ‘Implementing the Convention on
Biological Diversity’ (BIODIV Project)
- the GTZ sector project ‘People and Biodiversity in Rural
Areas’ (People & Biodiv)
- the GTZ Convention Project to Combat Desertification (CCD
Project) www.gtz.de/desert